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Request for Alumni Information

Alumni can request the Alumni Affairs Officer to provide information on other alumni. However, the users of alumni data are required to meet the following conditions.

  • All users must submit a memo for alumni information that is signed by a department chair or a school dean.
  • The request must include the ID number(s) of the alumni for each project or event.
  • The intended use of the requested information needs to be mentioned in the request.
  • The request has to be submitted at least two weeks before it is needed.
  • Users are not allowed to use information for private, political or personal reasons, but only for NSU-related business.

After all these conditions are met, the Alumni Affairs Officer forwards this request to the alumnus/alumna whose information was requested. If the alumnus or alumna approves to share his/her contact information, only then the Alumni Affairs Officer will give the requester the needed contact information. NSU respects all alumni’s privacy and under no circumstances will it authorize access to anyone’s personal information without his/her consent.